Unraveling the Hessian: A Key to Smooth Convergence in Loss Function Landscapes

Exploring the convergence of the loss landscape in neural networks as the sample size increases, focusing on the Hessian matrix to understand the local geometry of the loss function

August 2024 · Nikita Kiselev, Andrey Grabovoy

Decentralized Optimization with Coupled Constraints

The method proposed is the first linearly convergent first-order decentralized algorithm for problems with general affine coupled constraints

May 2024 · Demyan Yarmoshik, Alexander Rogozin, Nikita Kiselev, Daniil Dorin, Alexander Gasnikov, Dmitry Kovalev

Sample Size Determination: Posterior Distributions Proximity

Presenting two approaches to determining a sufficient sample size based on the proximity of posterior distributions of model parameters on similar subsets

May 2024 · Nikita Kiselev, Andrey Grabovoy

Forecasting fMRI Images From Video Sequences: Linear Model Analysis

Exploring the correlation between video sequences and fMRI images, using a linear autoregressive model

April 2024 · Daniil Dorin, Nikita Kiselev, Andrey Grabovoy